Crimson Solutions - Net.Data, RPG, RPGLE, software testing Crimson Solutions - Net.Data, RPG, RPGLE, software testing Crimson Solutions - Net.Data, RPG, RPGLE, software testing

AS400 FAQs - Hello World

My server logs show that many people are coming to this site with general questions about AS400s, so I've added a few pages in which I discuss some of the topics people are searching for.

Hello World Examples

Good lord are we still looking for those ? OK, my first example is an RPG-IV program that doesn't require a display file, and hence is the simplest possible version:
RGPG-IV Hello World
My next example is for a CGI program. Note compilation parameters. Also note you need to have configured your webserver to start serving this...
RPG GCI Hello World
And don't forget that you can also do it in HTML or Java from your AS400...
HTML Hello World
JSP Hello World
That's probably enough, Hmmm?

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