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My server logs show that many people are coming to this site with general questions about AS400s, so I've added a few pages in which I discuss some of the topics people are searching for.

HTML and Javascript references for AS400

HTML and Javascript are not specifically different on the AS400, and so any HTML reference or Javascript reference will do. The thing to realise about both of these is that they operate on the Client side, ie within your browser, so all your CGI program has to do is send the HTML code and JS code to your browser. That said, if you are doing CGI programming and you are having to do it without the aid of a designer or a JS developer, then here's a few links to the resources I use. Other than these, get a good book or trawl google for what you need.

This article was submitted by me, Vince Lewis. I hope that the hints and tips above prove useful to you

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