Crimson Solutions - Net.Data, RPG, RPGLE, software testing Crimson Solutions - Net.Data, RPG, RPGLE, software testing Crimson Solutions - Net.Data, RPG, RPGLE, software testing

Advertise on Webcorder

Advertising space is now available on the webcorder help page. Space is strictly limited. There will be a single top banner ad, a single bottom banner ad, and no more than 5 ads down the right hand side. Ads are NOT in rotation - so if you pay for an ad, it is always shown.

How many people will see the ad ?

Everyone who uses webcorder will see your ad every time they use the software. The first thing that they see is the help page, and the ads appear on this page.
Since the software is a free download, and freely distributed, we cannot keep track of individual users. However, we do keep track of the number of times it's been downloaded and the page hits. Stats since the launch at the end of November 2005 follow:

Month New Downloads Hits
Feb 06 440 42397
Jan 06 486 63337
Dec 05 358 1757
Nov 05 31 not available

This information should be used as a guideline only. We cannot guarentee how many users or hits we will get.

Who is looking ?

Mostly the audience will be professional web testers, many of whom are contractors. So, we are currently looking for advertisers who would most benefit from this market, eg recruitment agencies, people selling CBT courses, etc

Ok, so what does it cost?

Prices are as follows, in Pounds Sterling per month:

  • Top banner - £100
  • Side banner - £50
  • Bottom banner - £75

Minimum signup is for 1 month. There is a 10% discount available if you pre-book 12 months. All prices are exclusive of VAT. You supply graphic, we will give final approval before of the image before it goes on the site to ensure that it doesn't clash violently with existing colour palette.

How do I book ?

Use the Contact Form to email us with your requirements. As previously stated, spaces are strictly limited, so contact us soon to avoid disappointment.

© 2006 Crimson Solutions